White Witch Spell Services

Spell work offers

Group Spell Work is currently running at an introductory rate of £5 per person, per spell in exchange for your feedback.

All spells are performed by me on the correlating day of the week - All you have to do is purchase and set your intention, then leave the rest up to me.

You will receive confirmation from me in the way of a photo & a message. I will be in contact with you individually if there is anything I need you to do additionally.

Spell Casting for this category is Thursday

Please ensure that the request has been placed by 12pm the day before, otherwise it will be included in the following week's ritual.

Spell Casting for this category is Friday

Please ensure that the request has been placed by 12pm the day before, otherwise it will be included in the following week's ritual.

Spell Casting for this category is Saturday

Please ensure that the request has been placed by 12pm the day before, otherwise it will be included in the following week's ritual.

I've been interested in The Craft & the path it laid out in front of me since I was around 13 years old. 

I found an old book of my mums "Spells & How they Work" by Janet & Stewart Farrar, fell in love with the movie "The Craft" and shortly afterwards started calling the corners with my sisters & my friends, before beginning to write & create my own spell work.

From there I fell in love with Tarot, Aromatherapy and connecting with the Spirit Realm on a deeper level.

Now, I wouldn't actually call myself a White Witch- I've adopted the term after a run in with an intoxicated neighbour last year (if you're reading this "Hi!!") who threw it at me as an insult. 

It wasn't, it actually made me laugh, but also brought me to the realisation that the witch hunts never really ended, they just became less horrific (insert eye roll here).

Now, a white witch is essentially defined as "a witch that uses magic for good, rather than to cause harm or mischief", which baffles me really, as one of the main rules of Wicca is to do no harm anyway however, I typically refer to myself as an Eclectic Witch, as I enjoy practising methods of witchcraft across all paths dependant upon what feels right and resonates most with me at the time. 

Now as much as I absolutely love working my craft in the privacy of my own home as a Solitary Sorcerer (if you would), I have been approached on numerous occasions to help people out with various things from cord cutting, removing blockages at workreturn to sender and even money and love spells.

One thing I will make absolutely clear though, before you do request to work with me on this level is this. I have 6 very strict rules that I will always abide by and will absolutely never go against:

1) I will NEVER work to harm anyone. EVER!

2) I will NEVER work against anyone's FREE WILL or natural development. EVER!

3) I MUST have the person's permission to work the spell - If you are buying this as a gift, then please ask the receiver to contact me via email or text message to provide consent.

4) I will NEVER do any spell work at anybody else's expense. PERIOD! i.e. Getting someone fired from a job/lose their home/break up a relationship etc.

5) I will ask for AS MUCH INFORMATION from you as possible in respect of your chosen spell, in order to provide you with the BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE as possible - unless it is a group/generic spell work.

6) My spell work is bespoke for each participant unless specifically stated i.e. group work - to avoid breaking any of the above rules.

I also work to the RULE OF THREE - Which is essentially like witchy karma - whatever goes out, is going to come back threefold - the good, the bad and the extra shitty. 

So be careful what you wish for witches.