What I Offer

Stressed? Aches & pains? Insomnia? Feeling a little low? Being hard on yourself? Stuck in a rut & not entirely sure which direction to go in; in life, business/career or spiritually?

My passion lies in helping people just like you to realign with your true self & to re-awaken your intuition & inner knowing.

I’m here to help show you how you can help yourself.

I work holistically, which means that when you come to me, we’ll take a look at everything; from your lifestyle, to stress factors, to your diet etc.

And, if you simply just need a massage or want a reflexology appointment for relaxation, I can do that too.

I am exceptional at EMPOWERING the shit out of people so if that’s what you need, get in touch.


1:1 Bespoke Meditation 

Meditation Sessions & Workshops


Swedish Massage

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Treatments

Indian Head Massage


Ear Candling


Crystal Healing & Chakra Balancing

Angelic Reiki

Angelic Healing

Cord Cutting & Release

Sound Healing Therapy

Tarot Readings



Crystal Healing with Guided Meditation 

Ear Candling

Angelic Reiki


Mind, Body, Spirit I

Mind, Body, Spirit II

Head to Toe


A World Away